Thursday, April 1, 2010


Mama Jo:  Actually, I should title this post “Forbidden Words,” but perhaps it wouldn’t have caught your eye.

In every household there are “inside jokes” or “inside family stories” that No One else quite gets, but the family just thinks that they are hysterical.

For instance, when we lived in England, it was forbidden to say the word “wonderful” in a prayer. Why? you ask. The answer goes something like this…

“Thank you for this wonderful day. We are so glad to have this wonderful food. Please bless us to have a wonderful night’s sleep,” etc. etc. etc. So I suppose that we started the “think of another adjective” game at that time. Our family prayers were more “adjecta-tive,” that’s for sure, but it overall it made certain members of our family “think” more about the things they were saying.

That all changed when Go-Bot was in 6th or 7th grade. He and his not-so-amazing friend Grant got into their heads that everything was “diseased.” When that particular word also became “forbidden” then they just made up other annoying words. One particularly annoying set was “Chicken Rice.” You could insert those two words into any problem, sentence, or situation and immediately those two would laugh and soon these two, perfectly innocent sounding words (chicken rice) were on the “Forbidden Fruits, er, Words” list. Makes no sense at all, does it?

By the way, would you like some Rice-A-Roni? Maybe I should rephrase that…Chicken Rice, anyone???

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