Friday, March 12, 2010

Chilled Monkey Brains, anyone?

Mama Jo:  Picky Eaters. They make me CRAZY! I can’t imagine anything I couldn’t choke down if I were eating at someone’s home, even if it weren’t my favorite. I mean, come on…if someone were to invite you into their home, it’s not like they are going to make the grossest meal they know how, right?

It’s true. I am offended when I have guests in my home who won’t even “try” what I have prepared. Or else they feel that they need to “dissect it” before eating. It’s one meal. Deal with it.

Determined that we would not raise a household of picky eaters, Mr. Incredible and I used various tactics. The most common one was that each child had to eat some of everything. If they didn’t eat it, it went into the refrigerator until the next meal where it was served up cold. I might add that there was NOTHING else offered as a inbetween meal snack. We only had one thing last until lunch the next day, and so I would say we have raised a household of non-picky eaters. (I’m not saying that they have loved everything placed in front of them, but, nonetheless, they will eat anything!)

Another tactic was bring up the rules of any future missions they might serve. “When you are on your mission you will offend the person feeding you if you don’t eat what they offer you. If you offend them, they might not EVER invite the missionaries back into their home for dinner. Think of all the hungry missionaries that will be mad at you because no one will offer to feed them. You need to practice now eating everything on your plate, blah, blah, blah.” This conversation invariably would turn to terrible things you might possibly get served on your mission.

One day, whilst (isn’t that a great word???) I was volunteering in Scooter’s kindergarten class, I overheard him telling one of his little classmates about “how my dad ate chilled monkey brains on hims mission.” I about busted a gut!

But, sure enough whilst (there it is again!) Scooter was on his mission, I saw this box in the store. Do you think I sent it to him?
I suggest serving it chilled!

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