Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Woeful Wednesday...

Jemima: Woe, Woe is me. I need to get my toenails clipped. It isn’t a pretty picture. It’s hard to hide the fact that I need to have my nails clipped (even though I try). I think the “clickity-click-click” on the kitchen floor is my giveaway. Sigh. The takedown goes something like this:

1. Peanut butter jar removed from the cupboard.
2. Spoon removed from silverware drawer.
3. My name being sweetly called from the family room.
4. “What else do I hear?” My squeaky toy. That’s dirty pool. I have no resistance when the squeaky toy card is played…I am a gonner.
5. I am tackled in the family room by my former best friend and bed partner, GoBot.
6. Yabb holds the peanut butter laden spoon in front of my mouth. (Do they think I am going to bite someone? Oh yeah, probably…)
7. GoBot holds me motionless. (Good thing for the peanut butter)
8. Mr. Incredible clips as fast as possible. I occasionally yelp (just to let them know that the peanut butter isn’t fooling me…at all.)
9. Mama Jo goes into another room, feeling my pain.
10. Mr. Incredible acts a little less incredible and may occasionally say some unkind words…
11. Mama Jo reminds Mr. Incredible that she would rather just take me to the vet to have this done.
12. Mr. Incredible grumbles.
13. Mama Jo wonders about Mr. Incredible’s true heritage…he probably is really 100% Scottish.

14. The deed is done and I plop over on the other side of the room, trying to act all peeved and everything. (Actually, there is peanut butter EVERYWHERE and I must lick off every remaining molecule.) It’s a dog’s life…
Mama Jo: Jemima forgot the vacuum cleaner part…evidently that’s my job.

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