Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Procrastination--OR--I think I'll warm my hands by the fire!

Jemima:  Go-Bot is the master procrastinator. I think mostly he is the master irritator! Any time he is asked to do something, he will say, “But first, I must warm my hands by the fire.”

Mama Jo:  We fell for it the first 37 times he said it, afterall, it is freezing in most sections of our home. I, myself, have succumbed more than one to the urge to stand in front of the fire until you are toasty warm and then running up the stairs and climbing into bed.

Ahhhh. Nothing beats warming up your hands (or body) by the fire!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Mama Jo loves Jemima

Jemima:  How else would you describe the love and dedication she has for me?

Notice the snow. Are you noticing how deep it is?
In case you don’t realize this, Corgi’s have microscopic legs, so if there is any amount of snow on the ground, chances are that my stomach is going to be dragging in it. (not to mention my other body parts that are also close to the ground!)

This winter has been the winter from the neither-world. Mr. Incredible has been irritated because I haven’t been overly excited to go outside and do my “dooties.” But Mama Jo understands my needs. She shoveled a path out to the nearest tree for me.

 Yes I was grateful.

Of course I love her best!